Vitamin D and the sun

Personally, I am so excited that it is staying lighter outside longer. A couple of months ago, the sun had just come up by the time I got to work and it had already set when I left. I was getting virtually no time in the sun. Now, even if I leave work at 6pm, there is still some daylight! I’m looking forward to turning the clocks ahead and getting even more sunlight!

Since people will probably be getting more sunlight as we have more daylight hours, I wanted to clear up a few things about sun exposure and vitamin D. Most of us know that vitamin D synthesis in our bodies is activated by sunlight on our skin. However, getting adequate vitamin D from the sun depends on a lot of different factors including your geographical location, cloud cover, smog, skin color, sunscreen and even your body composition. Research has shown that sunscreen over SPF 8 can block vitamin D synthesis. While I don’t tend to lather on my sunscreen in the winter, I do wear makeup and body lotion that has sunscreen in it! Not only that, but when I go outside in February, I’m usually wearing long pants and long sleeves so not much of my skin is exposed to the sunlight.

With so many factors that influence our body’s ability to synthesize vitamin D via sunlight, I feel confident knowing that I’m taking my vitamin D supplement. I was really thrilled when we came out with Isotonix Vitamin D with K2 and started taking it immediately. I love the taste and I’m glad to know that I’m taking care of my bones and supporting my immune system and my cardiovascular health.

Have you tried it yet? We want to hear from you so let us know what you think!

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