What You May Have Missed… January 13, 2013

The Internet never sleeps – and the Market America social media crew is hard at work keeping up. We know that you have a busy schedule, so we’ve compiled some of the best pieces you may have missed.

Fashion & Beauty
New Nail Polish Colors for 2013: Check out Loren’s selections for new colors to brighten up your digits this year.

5 Fabulous Red Lipstick Shades: Having a red lipstick on hand is a must, but do you know which shade to pair with different outfits or occasions?


Health & Nutrition
B Vitamins May Boost Colon Health: Another great reason to make sure you’re taking your B Vitamins!

10 Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions: Do you have a resolution to eat healthy, lose weight, or become more active? This is a great post with tips to help you stick to your goals for the year!


Entrepreneurism & Business
Bringing Hope to the Hopeless: You do not have to be hopelessly unemployeed… that’s why we love the entrepreneur life!

What Mindful Leadership Really Means: Put your thoughts into a clear action by becoming a mindful leader.


Giving Back
Food For Families Food Drive: This week, a city-wide food drive was launched at the corporate headquarters to provide for local families who need food this winter.

Around the Web
Market America Featured in BBB Commercial: We recently received the grade of an A+ from the Better Business Bureau… you can catch a glimpse of us in their commercial!

We loved these great stories from around the web. What was your favorite story of the week?
