What You May Have Missed… January 6, 2013

The Internet never sleeps – and the Market America social media crew is hard at work keeping up. We know that you have a busy schedule, so we’ve compiled some of the best pieces you may have missed.


Fashion & Beauty
13 Beauty Resolutions to Make in 2013: This week has been a week of resolutions and goals for the New Year, and beauty is no exception! Check this list to see what you need to do to amp up your beauty routine in 2013!

6 Spring Fashion Trends for 2013: If you already have warmer weather on your mind, make sure to read this article before you shop for new pieces for your spring wardrobe.

Health & Nutrition
Astaxanthin: The Ultimate Antioxidant: This week, we hope you had the chance to join one of our Astaxanthin webinars. If you missed out, here’s a great article outlining some basic facts about Astaxanthin and why it’s so good for you.

5 Post-Holiday Detox Foods: If you’re working on your new figure for the New Year, check this quick list of healthy foods (and drinks!) to help you drop the pounds.

Entrepreneurism & Business
Make a Resolution to become a Product of the Product!: This is perhaps the most important resolution you can make for your business this year. This is a must-read!

What Makes a Person Successful?: Take a look at this great infographic and think about your degree of success- do you have the right traits to succeed?

Giving Back
What Will You do Differently in 2013?: It’s a New Year and a fresh start to give back and share love with others. What will you do differently this year?

Around the Web
Recap: Motives for LaLa Pop Up Beauty Shop at Lima: The Motives® for La La pop up shops were a great success this holiday season! Read this article from The Fab Empire to learn more about one in Washington, D.C.

We loved these great stories from around the web. What was your favorite story of the week?
