Why do you love ma Cashback?

Do you love getting paid to shop? How about earning ma Cashback on your purchases?  Check out the great feedback we’ve received from others that have earned ma Cashback when they shopped at internet retailer, marketamerica.com! Also remember to invite your friends so that they can earn ma Cashback too!

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“I LOVE ma Cashback! I can buy the things that I regularly buy at brick-and-mortar stores and I can have them delivered right to my door. I don’t have to stand in lines and deal with traffic. The best part is that I am earning money back on every purchase I make. There is no reason not to take advantage of the ma Cashback program. It is a no-brainer!”

-Staci Bockman
McHenry, IL

“Wow, is this company great! Every time I’m impressed, it is just another opportunity for you guys to blow me away again. The ma Cashback program is one of the best things in my year-and-a-half of owning my own UnFranchise®. Thank you to all who were involved in developing it; my wife and I are really looking forward to an outstanding 2010. God bless!”

-Sebastian and Nichole Di Modica
Saugus, MA

“I love the new ma Cashback program because I am a huge Internet shopper, and now I can get some cash back when buying my stuff online. Thank you Market America; you are the best and always will be. With my Portal, the UnFranchise opportunity and the teamwork, I’m proud to be a part of this business.”

-Carlos Remache
Jackson Heights, NY

“The 2 percent cash back program is a great incentive to offer our Preferred Customers, providing yet another reason for them to shop on our Portal.”

-Lorri and Scott Petty
Lincoln, DE

Remember to become a fan of ma Cashback on Facebook and follow maCashback on Twitter.  If you have an ma Cashback experience, then we want to hear from you, so send us an email to tellus@marketamerica.com.  More ma Cashback testimonials after the break!

“I love ma Cashback. Just when I think that marketamerica.com can’t get any better, it does!! I am an UnFranchise® Owner with Market America, and may be a bit slow on the cash back learning curve. I just earned my first ma Cashback on purchasing my cats’ flea treatment; something I have to purchase every month. When I have bought it before at marketamerica.com, I knew that I was getting the best deal. But now, it’s crazy… I’m earning cash back, too?!? And I didn’t even have to leave my marketamerica.com Portal, where I know I can trust the security to complete my purchase.

In short — I’m shopping in my pajamas, in my own store, finding anything I need at the best price, which generates commissions for me, and now I’m earning cash back.

Yowza, yowza, yowza!”

-Martha Brock
Atlanta, GA

“I love ma Cashback because I love saving money and I love helping others save money. It’s brilliant. Who wouldn’t want to?! We really are creating our own economy.”

-Shelley Weilert
Springfield, MO

“In today’s economy, every little bit helps. The time and energy I saved this past holiday season shopping online can only be measured one way.

After comparison shopping for a $20.00 item on my 15-year-old daughter’s list, I was given three options. All three stores charged the same amount for the item, but Saks Fifth Ave. offered free shipping and free gift-wrapping. This past September we traveled to NY City for a family wedding and the only store my daughter wanted to visit was Saks on Fifth Ave. We had a ball shopping but not buying. The look on her face when she saw her Saks box was priceless. Not only did I receive cash back and IBV, I was able to step out of our normal “Live Within Our Means” and make my daughter’s Christmas. I think she likes the box as much as the product. Thanks Market America.”

-Catherine Rasid
East Longmeadow, MA

“I love the ma Cashback program because everyone is paid for the things they purchase. There is no need to go to stores and experience poor service. It is very simple and fast on the Portal. It is actually fun to see how often UPS comes to my house each week.”

-Lester Faison
Goldsboro, NC

“I didn’t step foot out of my home to do any shopping this past holiday season and I loved it! I have three children — ages 8, 6 and 5 — and my Market America business saved me from spending my limited free time rushing around trying to find gifts for them and everyone else on my shopping list.

In very little time, I was able to search for what I needed, comparison shop, search for coupons for additional savings, and place the orders. The best part about shopping on my Portal is that Market America PAYS me to do this in more ways than one. I earn commissions, my team earns commissions, and I earn cash back on my purchases. Why would you not do this and why would you not tell your friends and family members to do the same???”

-Deb Walton
Pittsburgh, PA

“I shopped for all my Christmas gifts and got enough cash back to treat myself to a nice gift as well! I couldn’t believe how simple it was! Thanks Market America!”

-Stella Tolentino
Falmouth, MA

“I love to search, shop, save and share. I have saved lots of money with our searches and then I add a coupon code and save even more. I recently had my husband search for a new printer and ink. He saved over $65 on a Hewlett Packard printer, copy, fax, and scanner, plus ink for it. On top of that, the HP Partner Store gave a free calculator with this purchase and free shipping. In just a few days, the package was at the door.

I did some comparing for a digital picture frame and saved over $100 when I ordered it, too. I love racking up all the cash back and IBV on everything I need. The ma Cashback program rocks.”

-Barbie Clairmont
Rock, MI

“The ma Cashback program is like getting triple coupons. Our customers get whatever specials the Partner Store has, they get to use promotional codes that might be available, and they get cash back from Market America just by using our Web Portals. The extra bonus that I wasn’t expecting was that Customer Managers can participate in the ma Cashback program as well.”

-Judy O’Brien
Milton, MA

“As a consumer with a wife and my sixth child on the way, I am still making purchases and I am doing it smarter. With the limitations of shopping, and more and more stores closing in my area, this has made sense. With marketamerica.com, one has access to thousands of stores, the fastest search engine, and cash back for purchasing things, as well as sharing this opportunity with others. This has saved me money and earned me money.”

-Tom Mosier
Waukesha, WI

“I enjoy the ma Cashback program because I love watching the dollars add up right on my homepage for every Partner Store order I make. It’s especially helpful in this economy to know that you’re making money at the same time that you’re spending money. What could be better?”

-Dawn McKenzie
Cape Cod, MA

“Thank you so much for ma Cashback. It’s the catalyst my business needed! Also my customers love it because the monetary rewards are tangible! But the best part is I get paid cash for buying feminine items, household cleaners, groceries and toilet paper — stuff that everyone wants or needs.”

-Megan Zweber
West Des Moines, IA

“The real question is, ‘how could you not love getting paid to shop?’ The Internet is only getting bigger and better. Why not get paid for what you are going to do anyway? It just makes sense. I love the fact that I can not only put money back in my own pocket, but be able to provide a means for others to do the same, especially in a wavering economy. Technology can sometimes be a bit scary, but Market America’s search, shop, save and share process is simple and truly creates an online experience that is beneficial to everyone!”

-Linda Smith
Kenvil, NJ

“I think the ma Cashback program is great because we are now earning additional money off of products we are already buying. In addition to that, the ma Cashback program gives us another tool to work with as far as talking to more people.”

-Bill Muller
Wenonah, NJ

“We love ma Cashback. It’s easy to use, you can comparison shop from the comforts of home, it saves gas and time, items are shipped right to your door or wherever you want to send them, and best of all, it’s extra cash for us to spend!

As Market America Customer Managers, it’s a great tool to introduce the opportunity to anyone. We love it!”

-Gary and Sonja Webb
Redmond, OR

“I love the ma Cashback program and especially the referral aspect. It is just incredible compared to other programs. I can use the Web Portal to find what I want in over 3,000 Partner Stores with more than 35 million products.”

-Eric Yu
Brooklyn, NY

“My daughter needed a new charger for her cell phone. I went directly to the Sprint site to find the model number needed for her particular phone. I checked out their price, $34.99, so that when I searched my Portal, I would know which partners had the best deals.

I used the search field, which is working fantastic now — LOVE IT! I was given a couple different options — all were better than Sprint’s price of $34.99. I chose our partner, Cell Phone Shop, to make the purchase from. Their price was only $2.99!! I went out to current-codes.com to see if there were any coupons available and there were! I found a coupon for 12 percent off my order!

In the end, I wound up also purchasing a new car charger for my cell phone and three data cables, one for my daughter’s cell, my husband’s, and mine too. So, that’s five items in total. With shipping, the total was $23.43 — that’s $11.56 less than Sprint wanted just for the one charger! Best of all, it’s being delivered right to my door — no pushy in-store salespeople to deal with!

If that wasn’t enough, I also earned 2 percent cash back on this order! CRAZY!! I posted this story to my Facebook page to let all my contacts know just what kind of deals can be found online — only at marketamerica.com!

Thank you Market America!!”

-Colleen Newton Pause
Wilder, Vermont
