Why ma® WebCenters Will Grow Your Business, Fast.

Becoming part of Market America as a full time employee has been an exciting ride – and I have made it my mission to learn as much as I can about the ins and outs of UnFranchise® ownership – so that I can share that knowledge with our community.

Recently, I sat down with Jeremy Fennema, Director of Internet Services and Training for Market America, and I had one question: What’s a quick and simple solution for UnFranchise owners to see business growth?  He gave me the breakdown on why maWebCenters is the perfect solution for growing your business, fast.


Here’s what I learned:

For those new to the world of sales and product retailing, maWebCenters is designed as a turnkey business building solution for anyone – you don’t even have to know how to sell!  Armed and driven by a team of product specialists, maWebCenters has the team and the know-how to present the details and make the sale. All you have to do is make the introduction. (really!) Simply make the connection between a business owner and an ma WebCenter product specialist, and the specialist will explain all the details including the features, benefits, bells and whistles. Here’s the best part: the product specialist will close the sale – and, YOU get all the retail profit. (I’m not kidding!) Using that team costs you nothing. Simply make the introduction and the retail profits are yours. How about that for quick and easy business growth?

After talking with Jeremy, I was thrilled about maWebCenters, and I had to know: What five ma WebCenter facts would you share with a new UnFranchise owner?

Here’s Jeremy’s five favorite things-to-know about ma WebCenters:

-maWebCenters helps you get started before you get started

-The average money in your pocket from a single website sale is around $1,000 (yes, you read that correctly! See why I’m excited?)

-maWebCenters can help you put your business in the black immediately

-The only knowledge needed to make a website sale is how to introduce people

-Work with an maWebCenter owner to mentor you

Interested in maWebCenters? LEARN more at: http://www.unfranchisetraining.com/naindex.html#MAWC
