Your hard work is paying off: Market America ranks in the Direct Selling Top 100!

Just released today: the Direct Selling Top 100, as reported in the Wall Street Journal, and Market America ranks 25th! We’re honored  to make this prestigious list, and even more proud you, the dedicated Unfranchise® Owners, who work hard every day to make this possible.

This ranking is determined based on the company’s net revenue, before commissions are paid, and without any value-added tax.  And the numbers are exciting: the top 100 companies that meet this criteria are supported by a sales force 43 million strong! That means that more and more people are realizing the true power of entrepreneurship as this changing and uncertain economy forces people to re-examine their careers.

We at Market America are so honored that you have chosen to walk down the path of successful self-employment with us, and as we continue to gain momentum in public and in the press, the people that power ma will only continue to grow!
