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A Healthy You

When it comes to taking care of ourselves, there are certain things that we all know are important: exercising, getting quality sleep, eating a healthy diet, managing stress and taking our vitamins. But knowing that something is…

Health & Nutrition, News

Vitamin B6 and Heart Health

High blood levels of homocysteine have been associated with cardiovascular disease.   A new study in humans,  published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that higher blood  levels of the active form of vitamin B6…


Interesting statistics on aging

The September issue of Functional Ingredients included an intriguing article on healthy aging, quality of life and dietary supplements. It included a number of staggering statistics on aging individuals and I wanted to share some of…


Pamper your heart with CoQ10

CoQ10 has been known to be one of the most studied nutrients in heart health maintenance. It is a fat-soluble coenzyme and is an essential component in the action of enzymes. CoQ10 plays an integral role…