Product Promos & Updates

Premier Partners

Have you anxiously been waiting for a way to view what Premier Partners (also called universal cart members) that were available on Rather than clicking through an entire alphabetical listing of thousands of partner stores,…


JR and Loren Ridinger on the Cover of Selecta Magazine

JR and Loren join Donald Trump, Daisy Fuentes, and Gloria Estefan as recent picks to grace the cover of the popular Hispanic publication Selecta Magazine. Complete with a four-page pictorial shot from the Ridingers’ Miami Beach…

Product Promos & Updates

Gift Cards for Christmas

Gift cards are the perfect gifts for the holidays. Why stress over what gifts to buy this Christmas — give the gift of options by giving a gift card. Gift cards are no longer looked at…


Market America Launches Facebook & MySpace pages

Hey everyone, Market America now has an “official” MySpace and Facebook page where our fans and friends can interact and share the Market America Experience. Visit our Market America MySpace page, and join us on Market…


Internet Users Worldwide

Want to get a glimpse of how many Internet users there are worldwide? According to a recent study, 1.15 billion people regularly use the Internet, with an estimated half a billion users in the Asia-Pacific region…