
Senior Pet Month

November is Senior Pet Month, a time for pet owners to celebrate their furry friends who have a few extra years under their collars. Though these pets may be a little grayer and a little wiser,…


Happy Cat Day!

Today is National Cat Day and the day to celebrate cats everywhere! The day was founded to facilitate the adoption of 10,000 cats nationwide. It is estimated that nearly 4 million cats enter shelters every year,…

Health & Nutrition

To supplement or not to supplement

In speaking to many of you at the Tradeshow this year, a lot of you were confused about what pet supplements are best for your pets and which pet supplement was the most important. For happy,…

News is Now Live

Looking for a great way to showcase all of Market America’s PetHealth™ Products? Well, we have created a marketing website to do just that. I am very pleased to announce that is now live!…