Business Building

Shop Consultant Spotlight: 2013 Recap

Can you believe it’s almost been over a year since we published our first Shop Consultant Spotlight? And what a year it’s been! We have interviewed everyone from Jim Winkler (our very first Shop Consultant Spotlight…

Business Building

Shop Consultant Spotlight: Debbie Gauthier

This week, our featured Shop Consultant is successful UnFranchise® Owner Debbie Gauthier! Last Thursday we asked our Facebook audience what questions they would like to ask her about building a successful business. Interested in seeing if…

Business Building

Shop Consultant Spotlight: April Ritchotte

This week, our featured Shop Consultant is successful UnFranchise® Owner April Ritchotte! Last Thursday we asked our Facebook audience what questions they would like to ask her about building a successful business. Interested in seeing if…