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Ma Partner Stores

Market America has added the following partner stores to your web portal. Design Public carries modern and fresh new designs online. They carry bedding, modern baby products, wall art, seating, tables, lighting, pet furniture and…

Health & Nutrition

Asleep without AWAKE

For years, I have been a self-proclaimed Diet Pepsi addict. No joke. I have tried to get off it and wind up tired, cranky and suffering from a miserable headache. The misery was never worth it…


More from the Troops Serving Overseas

As I wrote here last month, ma has been actively involved in sending products to our troop serving overseas for several years now. Often donations are sent to platoons who have a link to a ma…


Pet food for thought

I came across this web page today and I thought I would share it with you. The article gives a pretty detailed look into pet food and exactly how it is processed and regulated in the…