
ED Confidential: We’re Listening (Really!)

Hi there Anonymous, I was just surfing the blogs when I noticed your comment. I believe you pose a very valid point, and definitely deserve a response (that’s the beauty of this whole blog thing –FEEDBACK)….

Business Building, News

Dream it. Do it.

JR wrote in his most recent 1-to-One, “Vision without action is just fantasy. And action that lacks vision only passes the time. But vision with action will change the world.” Wow…what amazing insight. You could teach…

Health & Nutrition

Living the Transitions Lifestyle

Spring time is well on its way and that means donning skimpier clothing and the dreaded bathing suit. It’s now time to start getting rid of that winter coat and making sure you are ready to…

Events & Trainings

Events 411

Wow! What an amazing Leadership School! As always, the corporate team pulled together and the outcome was tremendous! For those of you who were not fortunate enough to be there, there are audio downloads available on…