
Exciting Research News on Isotonix OPC-3®

A new study, e-published in Phytotherapy Research, evaluates how quickly Isotonix OPC-3 is absorbed vs. the same formulation in tablet form (not commercially available). A group of European researchers examined, over a four hour period, the…


Vitamin D Linked to Muscle Power

A recent article published in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism reported vitamin D levels of 99 adolescent girls between the ages of 12 and 14 was positively associated with muscle power and force. The participants’…

Events & Trainings

The Magic of ma World Conference!

Wow! What an experience! Having been my first major Market America event in Miami, I didn’t know what to expect, and at times it was overwhelming to think about. Even from the beginning I was blown…

Health & Nutrition

MA World Conference: The Day After

MA World Conference 2009 was my first event with Market America and I thought it was fabulous! I was so excited for our new Health and Nutrition products to be announced! The new product breakout on…


Last Chance to Vote for JR

So did you enjoy your time at Market America’s World Conference? Are you excited about where this business is going? Did JR impress you with his entrepreneurial spirit and vision? If the answers are yes, make…