
The First Lady of Market America

It’s after lunch, and Loren has taken the stage. She’s here to discuss our newest maUniversity major, Portal Marketing and Internet Shopping. Plenty of you are already concentrating on maximizing the value of your Portal, but…


HUGE Tech News

Some pretty big news to announce today: You already know that technology moves fast. Today’s hero is tomorrow’s goat. Sometimes companies promise more than they can deliver. Sometimes companies *think* they understand your business & can…


A sticky Portal is a good Portal

So Marc’s on stage, sharing news & updates for the Portal. He asks that we type in “internet shopping websites” on Google and see what happens. So I did. Here’s what happened:   Feels good…


The Right Place at the Right Time.

A few excerpts from International Field President Elizabeth Weber’s presentation: When she first got into the business, the economy was in a recession then, too. And guess what? She grew like crazy. She worked with folks…

Events & Trainings

Saving the best for last

Once you’ve been to a handful of our signature training events like World Conference, you come to realize that they possess a certain rhythm. Past, present & future. Looking back, looking around, looking ahead. As the…