Why Weekends Are the Perfect Time to Build Your Business

It’s Saturday. The weekday rush is over, and it’s time to kick your feet up and relax, right? Well, only partially. If you’re an entrepreneur, right now is the one of the best times to work on achieving your dreams. Why is the weekend such an ideal opportunity? There’s more than one reason!

You probably caught our six tips to make the most of your weekend, but knowing why weekends are an especially good time to work for yourself is important. If you’re having trouble thinking of the advantages of sacrificing a little relaxation time to focus on your own business, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Most people are taking a break from the 9 to 5 grind. While there are plenty of J.O.B.s that work on weekends – everyone from overworked corporate employees to individuals working in restaurants and retail – a large percentage of the population is kicking back for the weekend. That means they have more available time to participate in gatherings like business presentations and shopping parties.
  • It’s the perfect time to make plans. People have a hard time committing to evening activities during the week, but weekends are a great time to invite friends and acquaintances over for dinner, or out for an activity. Get to know them in a relaxed setting, and you can match them with products or fill up your Bean Jar.
  • Activities are great ways to build your business in person or through social media. When you’re out doing things on the weekend, you’re meeting new people and have plenty of opportunities to snap some photos, tag yourself at locations, and start a buzz through your social networks. Get people wondering how they can afford to do the same things on the weekend – and you’ll have fun doing it!
  • You can experience what it’s like to work for yourself – and get motivated! Working your own schedule during the weekend can help you truly realize what it is like to work for yourself, but not by yourself.

Don’t forget to end the weekend on a high note – with a call workshop! Building your business on the weekend doesn’t mean you’ve got to live a life of all work and no play. Take advantage of weekend opportunities to help your business grow faster, and you may be able to retire from that J.O.B. before you know it!

How do you stay motivated to work for yourself on the weekends?
