5 Ways to Improve Your Business in 2013

The New Year is quickly approaching and it’s a great time to re-evaluate your business goals and directives. What worked in 2012? Where is there room for improvement in 2013? Where do you hope to be by 2014? Here are 5 quick ways to improve your business that will ensure you’re on the right track to success for the New Year:


Stay Organized
Organization is key when it comes to running your own business! Make sure you have a system in place to keep track of everything for the New Year. Have you tried out the Mobile PRM? It’s a great resource to use when you’re calling new contacts. Do you keep a paper trail or are all of your files maintained digitally? Either way, keep them in order! Getting work done is much more efficient when you don’t have to spend the first part of each day organizing what you worked on the day before!

There are plenty of new faces to be found this year! Plan now for how you intend to network during each month of the year. Pay special attention to “dead” times of the year as well as times when you know you’ll be busier than usual with non-business related obligations. If you’re getting married and going on your honeymoon in April, you may want to plan to focus on networking heavily in May! If you’re attending International Convention in August (see below), make sure you’re prepared with business cards!

Join Us
It’s never too early to plan for our biggest events of the year- World Conference and International Convention. This year, World Conference will be held in Miami January 31-February 2. At that time, information will be announced for International Convention! Both of these events are not-to-be-missed opportunities to hear from our top executives, see new product launches, and catch up with other entrepreneurs. You’ll also want to plan on attending Product Symposium– another great way to learn about unique ways to sell our products.

Use Social Media
Maybe we’re biased, but we think that social media is important to your success in the UnFranchise® Business! Because you’re reading this article right now, you’re already on the right track! Keep up with our corporate accounts (Blog, Facebook, Twitter) to stay up to date on important company news. Furthermore, plan how to use your own social media accounts to network with others in the business, draw in new customers, and share your great ideas. Social media is a great platform to connect you to people all over the world- use it!

Create Goals
As an entrepreneur, you’ll often find that you never achieve anything higher than your goals. This is why JR reminds us to “dream big, because you’ll never be bigger than your dreams!” As you ease into the New Year, make sure that you have clear-cut goals you wish to accomplish by 2014. Knowing where you want to go is half the battle… now work hard to get there!

2013 promises to be a great year for Market America and for our whole international family. How are you going to improve your business in the New Year? Comment with your tips, advice, and goals!

