Market America in 2012: A Year in Review

Did anyone else wake up this morning and realize there was only one day left in 2012? We can’t believe it. It feels like the blink of an eye since we were here at this moment in 2011! Gratefully, we look back on this year and see that not a day was wasted.

Market America has grown leaps and bounds since its humble beginnings 20 years ago, and our growth in 2012 was unprecedented! Here’s our year in review:

February 2012

MAWC2012 was one of the biggest World Conferences yet. An extension of our cosmetics line, Motives® for La La, launched in Miami this year!

March 2012

We hopped across the pond and ‘set up SHOP’ in the United Kingdom! The year has since been filled with many great UBPs and events with JR, Loren, and other executives in London.

June 2012

Taking our global expansion one step further- Market America launched with success in Mexico! Where do you want to see us expand next?

August 2012

Before we knew it, we were celebrating 20 years of success and global growth at MAIC2012! For the very first time, the event was held in the round. What did you think? Was the new stage set up easier to see? We loved it!

September 2012

The new Market America website launched this month, bringing a new face to our corporate side of business. We used the hashtag #shoponSHOP to promote the differences between the corporate and the shopping site. Was it an easy transition for you?

October 2012

We celebrated the launch of one of our biggest partnerships between Carmelo Anthony and Isotonix® Champion Blend Plus aboard the Utopia III in New York City.

November 2012

A successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend on SHOP.COM launched us into the holiday shopping season. Did you take advantage of our Triple Cashback promotion?

December 2012

Our executives met in Miami for strategic planning to decide how to make an even bigger impact in 2013. No one knows better than our executive team the meaning of “No Limits!”

Now that the holidays are coming to the end and the New Year is around the corner, we’re ready to do it all over! What was your favorite event in 2012? What do you hope to see in 2013?
