Happy First Birthday, Market UK!

This month marks the one year anniversary of our launch in the United Kingdom! Success ran through the country the moment we set down our feet, and we can hardly believe how much has changed in a year. With so much  to look back on over the last 12 months, we know there’s so much more ahead in the future!

Between the launch in March and International Convention in August, the UK grew by leaps and bounds. Less than a month after launching, Market UK joined forces with Boxing Icon, Lennox Lewis. In April, Market UK launched Spanish speaking events, expanding the business to wider demographics. La La Anthony swept the fashionistas of UK off their feet with her groundbreaking Motives for La La line.

After International Convention in August, Market UK gained incredible momentum and grew exponentially as Phil Guido and Loren hosted several events and UBPs, reaching out with social media to each corner of the country, bringing more and more people into the business with each visit.

In October, Phil Guido partnered with Dr. Gaier, a prominent medical figure in the UK, who set up a meeting at the Royal Society of Medicine to allow Market UK to present Isotonix® to health professionals. October and November welcomed several major UBPs and explosive country growth as Dennis Franks, Loren, and Phil Guido addressed crowds about the perks of becoming an entrepreneur. Andrew Weissman and JR prospected in the UK later in the year and by the time January passed and we arrived in Miami for World Conference, the UK team took the stage with pride!

Directly after MAWC 2013, Market UK hosted their very first ECCT in UK, a perfect culmination to a year of unstoppable force.

The past year in the UK showed the Market America family around the globe one thing: hard work creates success. Thank you to everyone in the UK who believes in the UnFranchise® Business.

We are so proud of you, Market UK!
