5 Reasons to Attend International Convention

International Convention begins 5 months from tomorrow! Who’s excited? We know it’s going to be another amazing event and we can’t wait to see our Market America family here in Greensboro for four days in August! You still have plenty of time to buy tickets and make travel arrangements, so listen up! Today we’re sharing our top 5 reasons to join us for MAIC 2013:

New Products
As you know by now, new products are announced at World Conference and International Convention! When you’re in the audience, you’re one of the first to see the product and hear from the experts how they’re going to benefit your business! Don’t forget to attend breakout sessions for even more product information!

Tips from the Field
We feature a weekly Shop Consultant Spotlight here on the ma Blog, but wouldn’t it be even better to learn from them in person? At International Convention, leaders in the field will take the stage to share how they built a successful business. You won’t want to miss hearing from the best of the best!

Thousands upon thousands of entrepreneurs in one place? Sounds like a networking dream to us! Make sure you attend International Convention so you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other UnFranchise® owners and leaders in the field. Make reservations now before the host hotel fills to stay right in the middle of all the action!

New Business Partners
If you’re bringing new members on board your team, International Convention is the best place to introduce them to the business! Let them hear from JR and other executives about the amazing strides our company has made and what we’re planning for the future. Remember the first time you attended MAIC or MAWC? Give someone new the opportunity to come with you this year!

More Opportunities
International Convention offers a few unique opportunities that aren’t available in Miami for World Conference! Don’t miss your chance to come and tour our corporate headquarters. Ever wonder where the social media team tweets you from? Want to see where the executive team has meetings? It’s all on the tour! Stick around on Sunday to attend Trade Show and have the chance to pick up more information on products while talking to some of our best product specialists!

There you have it, folks: 5 great reasons to join us in Greensboro for International Convention this August 8-11! Gala tickets are now sold out, but you can still purchase regular tickets and book a room at the host hotel before it’s full! For all things International Convention-related, be sure to visit the Market America Events website! See you soon!
