Shop Consultant Spotlight: 2013 Recap

Can you believe it’s almost been over a year since we published our first Shop Consultant Spotlight? And what a year it’s been! We have interviewed everyone from Jim Winkler (our very first Shop Consultant Spotlight last December!) to Sarah Rose and Ryan Stack, to Gigi Souritzidis, and even Motives® Trainer Lisa Kostka. No two interviews were alike, but they all did have one thing in common: each was jam-packed with valuable business-building tips and advice from top field leaders! Read on to find out which of our Shop Consultant Spotlight features were the most talked about this year.

January : Cheyn Crangle

“I never, ever, EVER talk about the business in front of new people. I have become a professional business card collector. I befriend the person through small talk, ask lots of questions, and then tell them “I would love to have your card or name and info. I like to keep a good network of friends. Do you have a card?” I never bring up my business. Later that night I’ll add them on Facebook or LinkedIn (if you don’t have Facebook, just do it!) and let my posts on my Facebook wall do the talking. I love Facebook because actions speak louder than words. When someone sees success the right person will ask you information on what you are doing. When they start to recruit you it’s over.”

February : Lisa Lieberman-Wang and Yardley Wang

“The best way to sell anything is to be a product of the product. There is no better way to understand, experience or learn about anything other than to use it. As a result, you will have greater confidence in yourself and belief in the product. People aren’t interested in all the ingredients, facts, and science; they just want to know that it works.  Facts tell and stories sell. Your enthusiasm, conviction, understanding of the health benefits and how it can help someone is what makes retailing a breeze. Create your own story or get someone else’s, but tell, don’t just sell.”

March: Ryan and Sarah Rose Stack

“The best way to get people to shop on your portal is by not just telling them to shop on your site, but by telling them stories about your experience shopping on SHOP, like saving $100 on a product and then earning $40 Cashback. It’s these kinds of interesting stories that make people interested in becoming a shopper on your site.”

April: Steve Harris

“World Conference and International Convention are SO important if you want to be successful! I have never passed up an International Convention or World Conference since getting involved in 1995. That’s a total of 18 years and I still haven’t missed one yet!”

May: Gavin & Tanesha Westcarr

“It is an absolute pleasure and honor to work directly with JR Ridinger. He really loves this business, but more so the people in it, and he will fight for and protect his UnFranchise owners. It is his desire that you are a hopeless success. We have not met anyone who works harder than he does. His passion is contagious and his belief is deep rooted. We’ve learned everything we know from him and Loren and we are already seeing the beginning of success. Both of them are down to earth people, super smart, and always ten steps ahead.”

June: Tammy Albanesi

“There was a time when I was very resistant to social media. However, my pivotal changing point was when I attended International Convention 2012. I listened to JR, Loren, and Steve Ashley talk about the future trends in social shopping, and that social media is there for us to leverage to build our businesses. I believed them and came home and immediately opened my accounts on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I also revamped my Facebook page and created my Beauty by Tammy Facebook Fan Page, and I recently launched my YouTube channel, and posted videos up where I talk about my experiences and how I leveraged Motives to build my business. So yes, I absolutely believe in using social media to build my business!”

July: Tony and Michele Molinaro

“We believe fortune is in the follow up. We have a system for everything we do in our business: every customer receives a hand-written thank you card, which includes a label with our information they can apply to their product to make reordering simple and easy. If we are introducing the business to someone, we send prospects a link to our blog and connect them to our Facebook group so they can meet the team. We ship a catalog to all first-time customers. If they ordered Isotonix®, we make sure to include a mixing instruction diagram. We utilize newsletters to inform our customers about specials and alert them to upcoming team webinars. Every newsletter contains links back to our blog, which is a place they can get more information on the services we provide. This is the system we have created that works best for us, and we follow it to a ‘T.’”

August: Carl Eklund & Jodi Easton

“We had our “ah ha” moment when we hit two PIN levels in 3 months by implementing our 6×6 accountability/momentum groups. We quickly realized this was a way to teach brand new partners or partners that had been stable and waiting what their result producing activities should be. We saw that this was a duplicable system and now we have shared it with other organizations who implement it and they are having the same results.”

September: Phil Nguyen

“My last 6 partners are people who I connected with on social media. Three of them were complete strangers! Social media has definitely helped me with building more contacts, creating interest about the business by posting about it on social media, and reconnecting with people I would have never reconnected with. One of my friends from childhood is a partner right now, and all because of social media!”


November: Matt Lucas

“You have to create a habit of talking to people and making friends everywhere you go. Just be yourself and have fun and make it a point to have conversations with people every day. Talk to everyone, not just people who you think would be good for the business. Become a people person and you will see how quickly you are able to build relationships with new individuals.”

December: Anne Alexander, Market UK Rising Star 

“Never pre-qualify anyone. Surprisingly, the people you think aren’t right for this business usually are right for this business. Never be apologetic or embarrassed about what we do; your passion and genuine love of what you do will generate authentic interest. Always be prepared with your answer to ‘what is it?’ and to share what you do. Be a good listener; we are in a position to offer a solution to economical, health and emotional problems. At the end of a conversation, come away with a phone number or referral. And always remember, this business is not for everyone. A ‘dry run’ is a great way of deciding if this business is right for someone and if the person is right for the business. You’re not desperate for people, you are simply looking for the right people, and the dry run assures prospects that we are not desperate to recruit. We are selective and want the best people to be a part of our business. The ‘dry run’ also shows your prospects how the business works, and if they can get someone they know to evaluate the business for them, 9 times out of 10 the evaluation is positive and they could potentially have their first business partner before they even become an UnFranchise Owner themselves. It really does work.”

These are just some of the many Shop Consultant Spotlight features we published in the last year! Click here to see a complete list on our blog.
