From the Field: Tips for Overcoming Obstacles

We love featuring YOU on the ma Blog and on our other social media sites. It’s a nice change of pace from hearing from your corporate social media team every day! Each week, our Shop Consultant Spotlight feature allows us to showcase you and the incredible work you do with your UnFranchise® Business each and every day. Our “From the Field” Facebook album is another outlet to share your business success with the world! Every now and then we’ll upload your photos to this album, so make sure to send them in!

Over the last several weeks, we’ve been asking you via our social media channels to share with us your tips and advice for overcoming adversity, starting your business, networking, achieving financial success, and more. Here’s what YOU advised other entrepreneurs to do when the going gets tough:

Chris Martinez: “Breath and Remember to keep my eye on the prize…”

Christene Lee: “Attend a UBP :)”

Gail Aungst: “Recharge myself by knowing that even the most successful people fall sometimes! And chalk it off as experience.”

Cindy Moehle: “Listen to audios from our back office, read my WHY and Goal Statement. Then make calls until I get an appointment set.”

Kareese Foster: ” I look to my left and right and realize people who share the interest and aim the same direction are going through the same things. They struggle, I struggle but to know I’m not alone makes the load lighter.”

Nydia Bermudez: “First I check what I really need, (maybe is a nap, or a walk, or fresh air), then take some Calcium, listen to soft music while I read from my personal notes (My Why, Mission, Goals & quotes) then call my best friends (which includes my children) who always make me feel good about what I am doing. And then listen to some of my favorite motivational speakers like Les Brown. Then I am ready again and I always call my best customers first because they remind me of why I still want to do this: To help others!!!”

Carol Hudgens: “I think back to the time, work, how much of my heart and soul I’ve already invested. I then think ‘Tomorrow could be the day it all pays off.’ I won’t allow myself to give up believing everything will be ok as long as I persevere.”

David Blinn: ” I try to remember the Teachings of the Secret: You become what you think about… I try to bring myself back to thinking thoughts of success.. its not easy but thinking any other way will do us no good…”

John Chang: ” I remind myself that: Empires are built one day at a time and that failure just means opportunity to learn and rise again. I look at my dream board and review my goals. I settle my mind and focus on all the things I’m grateful and not focus on what’s lacking.”

Brian Clark: “Get in touch with the team!”

Alex Chan: “Just do it!”

Is it helpful to hear from other UnFranchise® Owners? Tell us what you think in the comments below and be sure to leave your own words of wisdom!
