What You May Have Missed: April 22nd, 2014

Happy Easter! It’s been another great week here at Market America. If you were as busy as we were, you probably didn’t have time to read up on all the goings-on here, but that’s OK! Catch up on all the important ma- related events and news you may have missed:

Top posts of the week on the Market America blog

A Day in the Life: Emily and Adam Bryers This week we shined the spotlight on Emily and Adam Bryers. Find out what a day in these UnFranchise Owner’s lives is like!

Use the Tools: Product Videos in Spanish We’ve got some great new product videos available for you in Spanish! Check them out in this blog post.

Top posts of the week on CEO JR Ridinger’s blog

Basic 5 training in Taiwan with Joanne Hsi Over 2,000 entrepreneurs attended a Basic 5 training in Taiwan, lead by Joanne Hsi! Check out the photos of this amazing event in JR’s blog.

Incredible nutraMetrix training feedback on social media We’re getting some amazing feedback about last weekend’s nutraMetrix training in DC! Check out what people are saying in this post.

Top posts of the week on Loren Ridinger’s blog

Working from home: Achieving a balance This post has some great tips for achieving a work-life balance for anyone who works from home. Check it out on Loren’s blog!

Why vitamin D is more than just a vitamin Read this post to find out about the amazing health benefits of getting your recommended daily value of vitamin D everyday!

Top posts of the week on our Health and Nutrition blog

Dietary supplement use more prevalent, reports says This week on our health and nutrition blog we shared a report that reveals some surprising statistics about dietary supplement use. Check it out to see what they found!

Top posts of the week on the maCares blog

Check out the maCares blog to see what they’ve been up to in the past week!
