Only Three Months Left Between You and MAIC 2014!

It’s official! There are only three months left until the 2014 Market America International Convention in Greensboro! Have you purchased your ticket, but you’re having a hard time convincing a business partner or prospect to attend the event? Maybe you, yourself are not 100% sure if you want to make the long trek to North Carolina. Regardless of what might be holding you or a business partner back, rest assured that this is going to be an event you can’t afford to miss! If you truly want to grow your business, there is nothing more important than attending World Conference and International Convention. Read on to see what from some of our top money earners have to say about the importance of attending this event, plus info about our official hashtag and more!

Advice from top money earners

“My advice to everyone is to go to World Conference and International Convention! The information you learn there is irreplaceable. If you have any intention of becoming a successful UnFranchise® owner, purchasing a ticket is the best investment you can make in yourself and your business.”
-Jeremy Fennema


“I would not be where I am today if I didn’t make it a point to attend International Convention. They help us build belief in the business and in ourselves, recharge our batteries and condition our attitudes to be successful. If your attitude is right you can achieve anything! Not only that, but conventions build our knowledge of new products, services and updates to our portal. We don’t have to go out and find the information; these events do the work for us! Not only that, but MAIC is SO MUCH FUN!
-Carlos Marrero

“The best advice I received was to attend every Market America event possible, which helped me build my belief in the business model as well as myself.”
-Phil Guido

Click HERE to read more about what some of our top money earners have to say about attending Market America International Convention and why it is a must!

#MAIC2014: The official hashtag for International Convention

Did you get a chance to score a picture with the official hashtag this past February at World Conference? It was a HIT on social media! We’re excited to introduce the officla hashtag for International Convention: #MAIC2014. But why wait until August? Let’s start the conversation now! Tweet us your questions, comments, tips and more about MAIC 2014 using the hashtag #MAIC2014. We want to hear what you have to say!

Be sure to follow all of our official accounts on social media, and click HERE to join the conversation!

Be sure to purchase your three tickets today! One for you, one for a business partner and one for someone you are hoping to bring into the business. We highly recommend that you do not come alone. There is no better place to get inspired about the business than at International Convention! Take full advantage of this event for all that it is worth. The information will be endless! See you in August! 🙂

Do you already have your tickets to the event? Comment below and share with us who you are bringing and why! 
