Building Base Ten Fast & Furious

Base Ten refers to what every Independent Shop Consultant does in creating ten repeat customers purchasing a minimum of 30 business volume (BV) of ma® branded products on a monthly basis. This is equivalent to approximately a $45.00 purchase of something like a 30 serving size of Isotonix® Multivitamin and Activated B-Complex. This purchase generates 28 BV and generates a $12 gross retail profit which provides you a plan to recover your start up costs and have operating capital to run your business. With our ma® branded products there are many products and services that purchased by themselves or in a combination will meet this BV average.

Building out Base Ten  generates valuable BV  to fuel the commission plan that we call the Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP). The other BV driver to the MPCP comes from another fundamental where each UnFranchise® Business partner participates in building their Shopping Annuity (where Independent Shop Consultants turn shopping dollars into ongoing earnings).

The first step in building out your Base Ten is to select 2-3 ma® branded products that you personally use and are passionate about. These products provide you a benefit that you want and love. First, move to create a list of people you know that want this benefit, and second make a list of people who you know that may know people who want this benefit.

The next step is to read everything that is available on these ma® branded products on your SHOP.COM site, available catalogs, and webinars off of UnFranchise Training. In addition, know your suggested retail price for the product, know the bv, and the serving cost. For example, a serving of Isotonix® Multivitamin is approximately $0.75. This is valuable information when you begin selling your products. If you have a personal testimonial great, if not be sure to ask your senior business partner for any third party testimonials to refer to. This too will be helpful in closing the offer.

Now you’re ready to begin calling and sharing your story and information about the benefits of your ma® branded products. Be optimistic, be excited and be courteous! Not everyone will buy, but many will. Building out your base ten of repeat customers (usually takes a minimum of 24 to generate 10-15 repeat customers) is a must to achieve a successful UnFranchise® Business and set in motion what you want every business partner to achieve. Fast is better than slow when it comes to building out Base Ten.
