Building Your Business in Your Community

Whether you’re new to the business or a seasoned UnFranchise® Owner, you know firsthand that the best place to build your business is right in your community! But if you’ve been coming up short on leads and feel like you’re hitting brick wall when searching for new prospects, here’s some tips for shaking up your strategy to help you break through a plateau.

Networking (in person!) is the name of the game

Are you consistently attending networking events in your area? If your answer is no, then it’s time to start. Not sure where to find out about these events? Call your local chamber of commerce and ask if they have any upcoming (free) networking events. Search for local small-business events online. Call your friends who are active in the community and ask them if they know about any upcoming events. These events are not going to find you; you must find them. Get creative, and soon enough you will discover that many networking events have been right under your nose the entire time!

Link up with prospects and potential customers on LinkedIn!

LinkedIn is an amazing resource that you can’t afford to miss! And I’m not just talking about keeping your profile up to date; I’m talking about joining LinkedIn groups created specifically for business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals in your area, participating in discussions, adding value to your online community, and reaching out to other users when the time is right. If you’re active in these groups, people WILL remember you. And when people remember you, you’re the first one they think of when they need something – whether it’s a product or a business opportunity.

Social searching

You’ve heard us say it before, but I’m going to say it again: if you’re not doing some sort of social searching by now, you’re missing out on a lot. For example, use Twitter to search for people in your area who talk about wanting a new job. If you have Graph Search on Facebook, search for “friends of friends who live in (my town) and are entrepreneurs”. Keep a record of all the people you find in an excel spread sheet and include their name, Twitter handle or Facebook profile link, and why you chose to include them in your list (this will help you jog your memory later). Once you have a list of 20-30 names put together, send each person on your list a personalized message introducing yourself.

Now we want to hear from you: share with us some of your favorite tips and tricks for building your business in your community!
