Social Media Monday: Top Posts of 2013

We talked about social media a lot this year! From tips on how to use Facebook Graph Search to build your business, to advice for using hashtags appropriately, we shared our top tips and up-to-date social media news with you every Monday of 2013. Let’s take a look back at our most popular posts of 2013 below.

January: Using Graph Search to Build Your Business

On January 15th, Facebook unveiled a brand new search experience called Graph Search. The tool, which is now available in beta, is an exciting development that will allow users to search – no, discover – places, photos, people and interests that are relevant to them.  So what does this all mean for UnFranchise® owners like you? Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know. Read more here.

February: Getting Started With MeetON

What was that you just said? You haven’t registered for MeetON yet?! Then you’ve been missing out on all the excitement, my friend! This is the perfect time to register on the site! Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started. Read more here.

March: Sharing Posts on Facebook

Have you ever struggled with the Share feature on Facebook? If you said “yes”, don’t worry, you’re not alone! While sharing posts can be one of the best ways to promote your business and introduce your Facebook friends to the products you sell, it can be confusing if you’ve never done it before. But not to fear, UnFranchise® Owners! Social Media Monday is here, and today we’re going to talk about how to share posts on Facebook and why it can help you build your business! Read more here.

April: 10 Things to Stop Doing on Facebook. Right. Now.

If you use Facebook (and we hope that you do), you’ve probably witnessed your friends doing some pretty annoying or embarrassing things. But what if you’re the one who is committing serious Facebook offenses without even knowing it? Here’s our list of 10 things you need to stop doing right now on Facebook. Read more here.

May: How Facebook Friends Influence Purchasing Habits

Happy Social Media Monday and Memorial Day, y’all! Whether you’re headed back from the beach or firing up the BBQ as we speak, the last thing we want to do is “bore” you with a long how-to social media post, so we’re going to do something a little different today! What’s that, you ask? We’re going to talk about how Facebook friends influence your purchasing habits with a really cool infographic. Are you ready to be blown away by some amazing facts and fascinating figures? Read more here.

June: Video for Instagram

Last Thursday the CEO of Instagram Kevin Systrom announced the debut of a new feature called “Video on Instagram.” The addition to the app allows users to record, edit, and share 15-second videos on Instagram right alongside their photos. While it has only been available for less than a week, it’s become clear that Video on Instagram is a major social media game changer! Read more here.

July: Hashtag Etiquette

Can you believe that just a few years ago, this symbol # was called a pound sign? Well, thanks to Twitter, # will now (and forever more) will be known as the hashtag. It took a few years, but over time Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and now Facebook updated their sites to support this “social discovery” tool. Read more here.

August: Facebook Pages vs. Profiles

Today we’re going to talk about the difference between Facebook Profiles and Pages. As UnFranchise® Owners, you already know that social media is an essential tool that can help you build your business. But have you ever asked yourself, “should I have a Facebook Profile or a Facebook Page to represent my business?” Before you make a decision, here’s what you need to know. Read more here.

September: Creating a Facebook Page for Your UnFranchise® Business

Do you want to create a Facebook Page for your UnFranchise® Business, but you’re not sure where to start? Never fear, your Market America social media team is here! We created this simple video tutorial to show you how to set up a Facebook Page for your UnFranchise Business. Read more here.

October: Tips for Taking Quality Photos with Your Smartphone

Cell phones have come a long way in just a few years. Remember when we used to use them just for phone calls? It’s a distant memory, that’s for sure! Now, in addition to surfing the web and interacting with your friends on social networks, you can use your smartphone to take and share photos. While smartphone cameras vary greatly in quality, that doesn’t mean you can’t work with what you’ve got and learn how to take great pictures! Whether your subject is your favorite Market America products or your team at World Conference, here are some tips for snapping photos that you will actually want to share on social media. Read more here.

November: Sharing Holiday Deals

‘Tis the season to share holiday deals on social media! There is no better time of year to share SHOP.COM deals, your favorite products, and info about our Partner Stores with your friends on social media… especially since Black Friday is this week! However, if you’re not sure how to go about it, here are some tips for putting together a social media game plan for the holiday season. Read more here.

December: How You Can Take Advantage of Instagram Direct

Instagram Direct has arrived and individuals and brands everywhere are making sure to take advantage of the new feature! Not sure what Instagram Direct can do for your business? Not to worry. We’re here to help! Read on to find out how to make the most of this new photo sharing opportunity! Read more here.

These are some of top social media Monday posts on our blog, but we want to hear which one was your favorite! Let us know in the comment section below.
