Social Media Monday: Top Stories from Around the Web

By now you probably know that the Market America Social Media Team has a (healthy) obsession with social media! It’s our job to stay in-the-know and keep tabs on important social media news, developments, and site improvements. However, as an UnFranchise® Owner, staying up to date on all-things social media can be difficult if you want to get anything else done! That’s why we’ve compiled this list of noteworthy social media news from last week that is relevant to you and your business. Enjoy!

LinkedIn turns 10 years old

Happy Birthday LinkedIn! Can you believe that LinkedIn has been around for a whopping 10 years? And boy has it changed! Check out this post from Mashable to see how the social network has evolved over the years.

Instagram has a new tagging feature

Have you heard about the new tagging feature on Instagram? Now when you upload a photo to Instagram, tagging someone in the photo is as easy as tagging someone on Facebook! To access the feature, you must have the most recent Instagram update (which you can download from your smartphone app store). Read more about this cool update on Social Media Today, or see what Loren Ridinger has to say about it on her blog!

Promote your business by sharing content from our product pages!

If you want to talk about your business on social media, but don’t want to turn your friends off by sounding like a pushy salesperson, we have a solution! Follow our product pages on social media to get updates on recently posted, eye-catching content that is perfect for sharing on your own social media pages! For a list of social media pages and more social media sharing tips, check out this ma Blog post.

How to rock your social media sites…in only 30 minutes a day!

While this article is geared more towards brands and company community managers, the suggestions for how to manage your profiles in 30 minutes are on point! Plus, they’ve included a fun infographic that makes the information THAT much more interesting. 🙂 Read it here.

How to stop embarrassing yourself online

Whether we realize it or not, we have all posted something somewhere online that doesn’t make us look good. Regardless of what it is or where it was posted, this article from Lifehacker will open your eyes to how you could be embarrassing yourself online without even realizing it, and-more importantly-how to stop for good.

Simple tips for getting “good” at Twitter

Twitter can be confusing for some, but it doesn’t have to be! If you’re relatively new to Twitter, make sure to check out these 9 simple Twitter tips and tricks that will help to improve your overall Twitter experience. 🙂

Have you come across any noteworthy social media news that we didn’t include here? Let us know! Post a link to the article and your thoughts about it in the comment section below! 
