Strategic Planning Week Recap

Last week the Market America executives gathered in Miami for a full 5 days for Strategic Planning! Here they talked about what our company has accomplished in 2013, our goals for 2014, what we could have done better, and what we will do differently. We invited all of you to participate in Strategic Planning week with us by sharing your thoughts on what you want to see in the coming year, while also evaluating your own UnFranchise® Business. Each day we posted a different question for our Facebook audience to comment their answers to. Want to see what some of our top comments were? Read on!

Day one: How would you sum up your UnFranchise Business success in 2013? What did you do well this year and what could you improve in 2014?

Day two: What did you do this year to generate traffic to your SHOP.COM portal? What would you like to improve on in 2014?

Day three: What country (or countries!) do YOU want to go global in next year?

Day four: What new products would you like to see released this coming year?

Day five: What strategies will you use to exceed your goals and boost sales for your UnFranchise Business next year?

For all of you that commented on our posts, we’re holding you to what you said and will be checking back in with you in 6 months to see what kind of progress you’ve made! 🙂 We’ve also passed along your responses on our posts to the executive team so they can have your thoughts & opinions in mind as they begin to implement changes in the new year.

We can’t wait to share with you the developments, enhancements and improvements to our sites, our business, products, and company as a whole that came out of Strategic Planning! We hope that you are just as excited as we are about building your business and reaching your goals in 2014.
