Your Home Assessment: The Key to Building Your Shopping Annuity

Happy weekend, UnFranchise® owners! If you haven’t already completed your Home Assessment, today is a great day to do it! Not sure where to begin? Here are some tips, tricks, and helpful links to get you started on this simple task that helps build your Shopping Annuity!


Now you may be wondering, “why is doing a Home Assessment so important?” To which I say, in the words of JR Ridinger, “doing a Home Assessment is critical to building your Shopping Annuity. It’s a simple step that can help you shop smarter – and it all starts when you replace those negative products!” Not only that, but it’s a simple task that takes less than a half hour to complete.

Before you begin

Want to learn more about why becoming a product of the product will help you earn more cash? Check out this great video that explains the Home Assessment a little better. Make sure to share it with your team so they can learn how easy it is to duplicate this process!

What you need

So you’ve watched the video and learned all about replacing negative products with positive BV and IBV-generating products. Great! Now it’s time to arm yourself with a pen and your checklist. If you don’t have a checklist, no worries, it’s on page 6 of the Getting Started Guide, which located on Download the Getting Started Guide here.

Ready, set, go!

Once you have all your tools and information you need, get started on your Home Assessment by locating the negative products in your household. Then, with the checklist in hand, identify which of these you can replace with ma® products, and – oh wait, did you hear that? That’s the sound of you effortlessly generating BV and IBV and building your Shopping Annuity! Duplicate this with your organization, and voila – it’s truly the easiest way to grow your business like never before.

Stop throwing your money away by purchasing negative products! Do your home assessment today – or even reassess your home if you feel like you’ve gotten a bit off track – and start racking up that BV and IBV like never before.
