Emerging Markets Program and Global Unification Headline Morning Session of Day 2 at MAWC 2013

Wow, what a start to Day Two! We have some INCREDIBLE news about global expansions and ground breaking technology to expand your business. Between CFO Marc Ashley and CEO JR Ridinger, this morning may be the most informative few hours for UnFranchise® owners yet! Here’s a recap of this morning’s topics:

Marc Ashley
Marc Ashley kept the arena alive as he covered a lot of ground, beginning first with an overview of maCares. The maCares charity foundation works tirelessly every day to share the Market America fortune with the community. To contribute to maCares, stop by the booth at 115 and donate your spare change, because every penny helps someone else.

Marc then dove into the official launch of the simple, streamlined process to open markets globally, the Emerging Markets Program (EMP). With Market America already in seven countries, the EMP allows Shop Consultants to expand even further to Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Spain and soon to the Philippines, New Zealand, Panama, and Singapore.

Distributors can sponsor in all EMP countries and earn BV and a referral bonus on product sale, just as they do with distributors in their market country. Market America products distribute to Latin American countries and Market UK products distribute to Spain. Market America also partnered with Bongo Intl., which allows distributors to schedule and consolidate shipping internationally.

As if Marc didn’t bring us enough amazing news, he announced the soon to be launched website which allows shipment of Market America products all across the globe: global.shop.com. With GLOBAL.SHOP.COM, distributors can ship products to countries where the products are unavailable using Bongo and earn the BV off of all international sales.

To learn specifically using the EMP and the amazing details of GLOBAL.SHOP.COM, attend the breakout session in Hilton room Symphony I/II at 9:15. You won’t want to miss this one!

JR Ridinger
The arena fired up with excitement during JR’s presentation of the revolutionary and mind blowing MCPC Global Unification process. MCPC unifies different regions so that businesses can build faster, combine BV & IBV in all countries within a region, use a common strong leg in each country to build BV to the top as well as building a weak leg into a stronger leg, and use IRCs to allow everyone to weave together with a common economic interest. MCPC fundamentally allows the UnFranchise® owner to earn on a new center at the same time, leverage earning power, and encourage synergistic team work based on binary strategy. MCPC gives incentive to expand internationally by eliminating barriers to other counties and combining earning by allowing every UFO to cross pollinate in another region while also complete a leg at home.

The model is so revolutionary and innovative so if you had trouble keeping track, don’t worry! There is a detailed breakdown on a PowerPoint webinar so that you can begin expanding your business globally and maximize your earnings!

“Don’t worry about understanding it today. You didn’t understand BV when you first heard it. Just do it and you’ll earn the check!”

The first step to regenerate volume, JR said next, was to convert spending into earning with shopping annuity. By investing money into annuity, you earn the pay out through BV, IBV, and Cashback. The contribution period to Shopping annuity is shortened by the amount of BV and IBV that you earn. If you want to reap the major fruits of the business, throw yourself completely into every feature by becoming a product of the product. Start by doing an assessment of the products in your home and find where you can replace them with Market America and find the rest on SHOP.COM by using the Virtual Shop Consultant, Home Shopping List, My-List, and AutoShip. After you begin building annuity, do a home inspection! By using Market America products and shopping through partner stores, you don’t spend more money, you save more money! Get in the habit of converting spending into earning, and the annuity will build itself!

“We can have our own economy with our collective buying power!”

What was your favorite part of this morning? Who are you looking forward to seeing on the main stage this afternoon?
