Product Symposium 2012: A Recap

Last weekend, many made the trek to Ocean City, MD for the 2012 Product Symposium! It was a time of learning, networking, and even a few surprises! The three day event brought members of the Market America family together to go in depth about our products, as we heard excellent presentations from our Scientific Affairs and Product Management staff.

The Learn Sell Earn model, introduced in 2011, was continued this year and provided a strong framework for the weekend’s discussions. From Isotonix® to nutraMetrix®, TLS® and Motives®… we covered it all! Jim Dwyer was an engaging emcee that kept the energy up during each session as we learned from the best in the business!

As was true at International Convention, Opuvita was an important topic for discussion at Product Symposium. Attendees learned about about the ingredients of the super fruit fusion and were even treated to surprise mini bottles to take home!

Coach Lydia and Coach Ryan took the stage on Saturday afternoon to talk TLS and the role of being a coach. Are you properly marketing TLS to your customers?

Attendees also heard fantastic presentations from Dr. Deedra Mason and Brandi Murphy, who discussed how to learn, sell, and earn with nutraMetrix! Curcumin, anyone? Skincare and Motives were also hot topics of conversation.

Product Symposium was packed with information and tips to help you make the best of your role as an UnFranchise® Business Owner. The weekend was too full of information for us to be able to fully recap it here! Will you be joining us next year for this annual opportunity to get up close and personal with our products?

For those who attended Product Symposium this year: What are your thoughts? Leave a comment and tell us the most helpful information you heard during the weekend. We hope to see everyone next year, eager to learn, sell, and earn their way to the top!
