SHOP.COM Saturday: Using Trends for Holiday Shopping

The SHOP.COM Trend Shop is another great feature to add to your must-use SHOP.COM features for holiday shopping! Similar to the MyLists Feature that we talked about last week, the Trend Shop allows you to collect and organize the items you love, but in a trendy collage! Incorporate SHOP.COM Trends into your holiday shopping and simplify the guessing game of what to buy your loved ones this season! Read on to learn how to use the Trends Shop for your holiday shopping!

Why use Trends?
The SHOP.COM Trend Shop is an easy and fun tool to use to simplify your holiday shopping and to avoid having to guess what your friends and family would like for Christmas. Have your friends and family create a few different Trend boards that display the items that they are hoping for this Christmas and create a few boards of your own.

Sharing these boards will provide a guideline of items that are sure to please your loved ones, but still preserve the element of surprise on Christmas morning! You can create as many Trends as you like, edit whenever you want and delete a Trend at any time so get creative and have some holiday fun creating your wish lists! 🙂

Overview: How to use Trends

  • Give your Trend a name.  The amount of Trend boards that you can create is endless, so be creative. Create Trends that follow the same style, season, color or theme! The name of your trend board should reflect the objects within the trend (ex: Holiday Look, For the Home, Wish List).
  • Search the image and product gallery on the right side of the page. Find items that you like and place them on your Trend board. Have some fun sizing and positioning them on your board to create a really great look!
  • Describe what your Trend in about is the “description” text box. Let your followers or viewers know why you created the trend.  If you are sending this trend to a family member so that they can base their holiday shopping off it, include notes about the products, sizes, etc.!
  • Tag your Trend with relevant key works so that people may find your Trend!
  • Publish it so that everyone can see your beautiful work and search for your trend!
  • Exchange trend links or provide the title of your trend to the friends and family you are buying gifts for.  You will each have a hand-picked list of gifts that are guaranteed to please the recipient on Christmas morning!

At SHOP.COM we really want to simplify your holiday shopping experience and allow you to focus on what is truly important, spending time with your family! Knock out all of your holiday shopping ideas with the SHOP.COM Trend Shop and put a smile on everyone’s face Christmas morning!

Have you already been using Trends for your holiday shopping? Comment below and let us know how the SHOP.COM Trend Shop has been a useful tool for you this season! We’d love to share your testimonial in a future ma Blog post! And keep an eye on our social media pages… we’re launching a brand new SHOP.COM Trends Contest on Monday!

Check out some other great features to simplify your holiday shopping: MyLists, Free Shipping, SHOP.COM Direct Electronics Outlet, ShopBuddy, and Daily Deals.
